RBTS provides field and analytical torsional vibration engineering services for all types of machinery including reciprocating. Comprehensive analyses are performed that include dynamic torques occurring during startup.
Field measurements and torsional vibration simulations are performed to identify drive train modifications to eliminate such damage occurring to elastomeric elements in a coupling assembly.
Field measurements and torsional vibration simulations are performed to identify a torsional resonance problem and provide cost effective corrective actions to eliminate failures of the rotating assembly.
RBTS performed a comprehensive torsional vibration analyses that included an evaluation of the dynamic torques occurring from the engine driver, as well as the reciprocating compressor.
RBTS has provided field measurements and analytical services to understand and solve a wide variety of torsional and lateral rotordynamic problems.
Comprehensive torsional vibration analyses that included the selection of the drive coupling and sizing of a compressor-mounted flywheel assembly.